Grief affects different people in different ways.
Coming to an acceptance of the reality of the loss takes time, since it involves not only an intellectual acceptance but also an emotional one.
It may ease your pain a little if you can allow yourself to feel what ever you are feeling, to do what ever you are feel you need to be doing, and to think what ever you are thinking.
It may also help to be aware of the broad range of behaviours that many people experience when in grief which include:
Feelings of
· Sadness
· Anger
· Guilt
· Anxiety
· Loneliness
· Fatigue
· Helplessness
· Shock
· Yearning
· Numbness
Physical Sensations such as
· Tightness in the chest
· Tightness in the throat
· Hollowness in the stomach
· Dry mouth
· Lack of energy
· Weakness in the muscles
· Breathlessness
· Oversensitivity to noise
Behaviours which may include
· Sleep Disturbances
· Appetite Disturbances
· Absentmindedness
· Social Withdrawal
· Restless hyperactivity
· Crying
· Treasuring objects that belonged to the loved one
· Visiting Places that remind of the loved one.
Cognitions such as
· Disbelief
· Confusion
· Preoccupation
(Ref: Grief Counselling & Grief Therapy by W. Worden)
Are you struggling with a loss, a feeling of loneliness or isolation, and feel you need some support?
​Feeling understood by a therapist can reduce the feelings of struggle and confusion that may be experienced.
It allows a true understanding to develop in relation to the loss and this can lead you to trust yourself more as you navigate the process.
I am available for a 15-minute consultation (no charge) and we can then see if I might be able to support you to process your feelings of loss.
Looking forward to you call,
089 494 3849
